Recent content by JesseeS

  1. JesseeS

    Scam going around forums

    If it's sent friends and family there's nothing anyone can do
  2. JesseeS

    Jim's 1980 SG Miss September

    Sounds great!
  3. JesseeS


    I can already tell I'm going to have to check out of this one, but enjoy the lunacy everyone!
  4. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Thanks guys! And @Jim good looking out. Honestly don't even know how I missed that. The lever I put on makes the pull buttery smooth as is, I'm sure routing the cable the right way will make it even better.
  5. JesseeS


    I'm going to remove my tinfoil cap for a moment and just comment on the thread topic instead of geo-political relations. I can understand why they would want to get clapped out cars off the road in favor of newer ones (even if not electric) because of emissions as well as potential leaks blah...
  6. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Thanks Ads! Their guides are very thorough I'll give them that. The gauge it was I'm most concerned about
  7. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Couple quick pictures. Got the chain installed, as well as the shift linkage. Spoke with Wes today and he will be stopping by shortly to grab my bike and make the seat! I'm stoked! After I get my bike back, I'll install the brake stay linkage (parts on order). Pretty sure after that it's just...
  8. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Alright so cleared out my storage unit and got it all to the shed. What a nightmare. Definitely going to get some shelves and peg board, but one thing at a time. Felt motivated that I finally had real tools around so I installed my new turn signals. Can you spot them? Spoke with Wes today about...
  9. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    The shed is painted! Turned out even better than I expected. My wife, my daughter, and myself had a great night painting inside. I got done my bench and work space grey so I can see when something drops better, and my wife and daughter added some much needed art. My daughter even gave me lessons...
  10. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    She is growing too fast if you ask me, but, she's also at that age where she wants to "help daddy!" So she helped me put up the lights today, tomorrow will be paint, and then we'll see if we can get her wiring this bike up. Way I see it she can't be any worse at electrical than me. Haha
  11. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Thanks guys! I appreciate all the ideas for storage space. I'm definitely going to use them. Once I have everything stuffed in there it'll give me a good idea of what Im working with. Along with the "when the hell did I collect all this shit" realization haha
  12. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    She works harder than some people I know. just like me she's food motivated. Throw some juice and a snack her way and she's good to go! Just don't expect miracles, as you'll see in an updated post when my shed looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.
  13. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Yessir. 200sq ft is the max before having to get a permit pulled. Was going to do 14x14 but didn't want to risk getting to close or getting their attention anymore than I have
  14. JesseeS

    JesseeS Build Thread

    Just a small update, my shed is done! My daughter and I spent the morning at Lowe's grabbing some paint for the inside flooring. I picked grey, she picked purple and the bluest blue I've ever seen. We will be painting it tomorrow when I get home from work (I think we all know how it's going to...
  15. JesseeS

    Need an engine rebuilder!

    Hugh does not do the engine building anymore, Dan at Pandemonium took that over.